So it's no wonder if your imagination is filling in the gaps while you sleep. You've probably spent a lot of time wondering what your baby will look like, and what it will feel like when you hold him or her for the first time. After all, you have a 50 per cent chance of being right! At other times, your dreams about the sex of your child may be vague. Sometimes, you may dream vividly that you’re having a boy or a girl. Is this normal?It's quite normal for you to feel as though your dreams are sending you a message, but there's no evidence that they can tell you anything other than what's going on in your mind. My dreams seem to be telling me something.

Read on to find out about some typical third trimester dreams and what they may mean. While it's impossible to predict what dreams you may have while you are pregnant, there are some images that crop up at certain stages. If you have an unpleasant or disturbing dream, share it with your partner, a friend or family member, or your midwife. Your dreams simply reflect your thoughts and anxieties about your baby’s approaching birth, and about becoming a mum. Is it normal to have weird dreams in the third trimester?If your dreams are becoming more bizarre than ever, try not to worry.