To choose the alternate outfit, all you have to do is hold up on the d-pad and press the 'C' button while the cursor is over Richter. A few people wanted to see what he looked like, which I had not seen myself either, so I made some little videos that turned into a day and a half of playing to get a run with alternate outfit Richter. At the Gaming-Age forum, a poster made a topic about favorite Castlevania characters, and I mentioned hearing about an alternate outfit Richter (I believe it is the artwork version and/or when he is a bad guy in the game regularly). This run, just like with the Maria run I did earlier, came out of my simply wanting to show the character initially from a request.

Hello again! Thanks to DJGrenola for synching the audio! Single-segment speed run of the Sega Saturn version of Castlevania: Nocturne in the Moonlight (Symphony of the Night in English) as Richter, completed on 16 July 2006.